GenAdda Event: PoSH Champion "Train the Trainer Workshop"

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Train the Trainer Workshop

A 2-day workshop was conducted on Nov 26th and 27th, 2022 to train selected IIT Bombay students on prevention of sexual harassment (PoSH). The workshop was conducted by by PoSH@Work team. The goal of the workshop was to help students understand the purpose and applicability of the Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace (SHWW) Act 2013, and the IIT Bombay policy on the prevention, prohibition and redress of SHWW. Qualified students then took on the role of PoSH Champions in the Institute, as part of which they support aggrieved students and facilitate interaction with Gender Cell and train the other students holding any POR (Position Of Responsibility) on PoSH . The first day of the workshop contained group activities such as role play to understand sexual harassment and its different forms. This was followed by a presentation explaining details of the law's history and the redress mechanisms as per the IIT Bombay policy.On the following day, the students were assessed on the assignments given on the first day.